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*the Biblical story of Naaman, who was commanded by the prophet Elisha to bathe in the Jordan river seven times as a cure for leprosy.  Naaman did not want to bathe in the Jordan, but did, and on the seventh time, was healed of his leprosy.
* '''Naaman:''' in the Bible (2 Kings) general Naaman was commanded by the prophet Elisha to bathe in the Jordan river seven times as a cure for leprosy.  Naaman did not want to bathe in the Jordan, but did, and on the seventh time, was healed of his leprosy.
* '''Jordan:''' river in Palestine
[[Category: Old Testament]]
[[Category: Rivers]]

Latest revision as of 05:22, 14 August 2012

  • Naaman: in the Bible (2 Kings) general Naaman was commanded by the prophet Elisha to bathe in the Jordan river seven times as a cure for leprosy. Naaman did not want to bathe in the Jordan, but did, and on the seventh time, was healed of his leprosy.
  • Jordan: river in Palestine