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* '''Aurignacian:''' an archaeological culture of the Upper Palaeolithic, located in Europe and southwest Asia. It lasted broadly within the period from ca. 45,000 to 35,000 years ago.  The name originates from the type site of Aurignac in the Haute-Garonne area of France. The Aurignacians are cosnidered to be the first modern humans in Europe.
* '''Aurignacian:''' an archaeological culture of the Upper Palaeolithic, located in Europe and southwest Asia. It lasted broadly within the period from ca. 45,000 to 35,000 years ago.  The name originates from the type site of Aurignac in the Haute-Garonne area of France. The Aurignacians are cosnidered to be the first modern humans in Europe.
* '''indignation'''

Latest revision as of 19:43, 4 July 2016

  • Aurignacian: an archaeological culture of the Upper Palaeolithic, located in Europe and southwest Asia. It lasted broadly within the period from ca. 45,000 to 35,000 years ago. The name originates from the type site of Aurignac in the Haute-Garonne area of France. The Aurignacians are cosnidered to be the first modern humans in Europe.
  • indignation