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  doms. A lark of limonladies! A lurk of orangetawneymen! You're
  doms. A lark of limonladies! A lurk of orangetawneymen! You're
  backleg wounted, budkley mister, bester of the boyne!
  backleg wounted, budkley mister, bester of the boyne!
       And they leaved the most leavely of leaftimes and the most  
       And they [[leaved]] the most leavely of leaftimes and the most  
  folliagenous till there came the marrer of mirth and the jangthe-
  folliagenous till there came the marrer of mirth and the jangthe-
  rapper of all jocolarinas and they were as were they never ere.
  rapper of all jocolarinas and they were as were they never ere.

Revision as of 22:06, 9 January 2018


Page 360 Page 362

leqwind play peeptomine up all our colombinations! Wins
won is nought, twigs too is nil, tricks trees makes nix, fairs fears
stoops at nothing. And till Arthur comes againus and sen pea-
trick's he's reformed we'll pose him together a piece, a pace.
Shares in guineases! There's lovely the sight! Surey me, man
weepful! Big Seat, you did hear? And teach him twisters in
tongue irish. Pat lad may goh too. Quicken, aspen;ash and yew;
willow, broom with oak for you. And move your tellabout. Not
nice is that, limpet lady! Spose we try it promissly. Love all.
Naytellmeknot tennis! Taunt me treattening! But do now say to
Mr Eustache! Ingean mingen has to hear. Whose joint is out of
jealousy now? Why, heavilybody's evillyboldy's. Hopping Gra-
cius, onthy ovful! O belessk mie, what a nerve! How a mans in
his armor we nurses know. Wingwong welly, pitty pretty Nelly!
Some Poddy pitted in, will anny petty pullet out? Call Kitty
Kelly! Kissykitty Killykelly! What a nossowl buzzard! But what
a neats ung gels!
     Here all the leaves alift aloft, full o'liefing, fell alaughing over 
Ombrellone and his parasollieras with their black thronguards
from the County Shillelagh. Ignorant invincibles, innocents im-
mutant! Onzel grootvatter Lodewijk is onangonamed before the
bridge of primerose and his twy Isas Boldmans is met the bluey-
bells near Dandeliond. We think its a gorsedd shame, these go-
doms. A lark of limonladies! A lurk of orangetawneymen! You're
backleg wounted, budkley mister, bester of the boyne!
     And they leaved the most leavely of leaftimes and the most 
folliagenous till there came the marrer of mirth and the jangthe-
rapper of all jocolarinas and they were as were they never ere.
Yet had they laughtered, one on other, undo the end and enjoyed
their laughings merry was the times when so grant it High Hila-
rion us may too!
     Cease, prayce, storywalkering around with gestare romano- 
verum he swinking about is they think and plan unrawil
     Back to Droughty! The water of the face has flowed. 
     The all of them, the sowriegueuxers, blottyeyed boys, in that