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* '''Balbus:''' a Roman who built a wall → ''A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'', Ch 1: "And behind the door of one of the closets there was a drawing in red pencil of a bearded man in a Roman dress with a brick in each hand and underneath was the name of the drawing: Balbus was building a wall." → Cicero, ''Letters to Atticus'' XII:2 (criticizing his fellow Romans for wasting time when they should be attending to the business of state): "Balbus is building. For what does he care?" ("Balbus was notorious already, envied and hated for his princely pleasure-gardens in Rome, his villa at Tusculum. The dictatorship [i.e. Caesar's] found him building, a sign of opulence and display." - Ronald Syme: "The Roman Revolution", 1939.)
* '''Balbus:''' a Roman who built a wall → ''A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'', Ch 1: "And behind the door of one of the closets there was a drawing in red pencil of a bearded man in a Roman dress with a brick in each hand and underneath was the name of the drawing: Balbus was building a wall." → Cicero, ''Letters to Atticus'' XII:2 (criticizing his fellow Romans for wasting time when they should be attending to the business of state): "Balbus is building. For what does he care?" ("Balbus was notorious already, envied and hated for his princely pleasure-gardens in Rome, his villa at Tusculum. The dictatorship [i.e. Caesar's] found him building, a sign of opulence and display." - Ronald Syme: "The Roman Revolution", 1939.)
** [http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/JoyceColl/JoyceColl-idx?type=turn&entity=JoyceColl001600160111 Third Census of Finnegans Wake]]
** [http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/JoyceColl/JoyceColl-idx?type=turn&id=JoyceColl.GlasheenFinnegans&entity=JoyceColl.GlasheenFinnegans.p0111&isize=L Third Census of Finnegans Wake]
* '''St Babylas:''' Bishop of Antioch 237-250; he shut the church-doors against the Roman emperor Decius, for which he was imprisoned and martyred
* '''St Babylas:''' Bishop of Antioch 237-250; he shut the church-doors against the Roman emperor Decius, for which he was imprisoned and martyred
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* '''Tower of Babel'''
* '''Tower of Babel'''
** [http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/JoyceColl/JoyceColl-idx?type=turn&entity=JoyceColl001300130259 A Finnegans Wake Gazetteer]
** [http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/JoyceColl/JoyceColl-idx?type=turn&id=JoyceColl.MinkGazetteer&entity=JoyceColl.MinkGazetteer.p0259&isize=L A Finnegans Wake Gazetteer]
* '''bulbous:''' Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen
* '''bulbous:''' Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen
* '''bibulous:''' excessively fond of drinking alcohol
[[Category:Latin phrases]]
[[Category:Latin phrases]]
[[Category:Roman history]]
[[Category: stuttering]]
[[Category: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man]]

Latest revision as of 09:46, 1 June 2019

  • balbus: (Latin) stammering → in FW HCE's stammer is indicative of his guilt
  • balbulus: (Latin) stammering, stuttering
  • bibulous: addicted to strong drink
  • fabulous:
  • Balbus: a Roman who built a wall → A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ch 1: "And behind the door of one of the closets there was a drawing in red pencil of a bearded man in a Roman dress with a brick in each hand and underneath was the name of the drawing: Balbus was building a wall." → Cicero, Letters to Atticus XII:2 (criticizing his fellow Romans for wasting time when they should be attending to the business of state): "Balbus is building. For what does he care?" ("Balbus was notorious already, envied and hated for his princely pleasure-gardens in Rome, his villa at Tusculum. The dictatorship [i.e. Caesar's] found him building, a sign of opulence and display." - Ronald Syme: "The Roman Revolution", 1939.)
  • St Babylas: Bishop of Antioch 237-250; he shut the church-doors against the Roman emperor Decius, for which he was imprisoned and martyred
  • alb: a white clerical vestment → one of HCE’s 7 items of clothing?
  • bulbous: Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen
  • bibulous: excessively fond of drinking alcohol