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  <I>Hunter</I> is still first in the field despite the castle bar, William
  <I>Hunter</I> is still first in the field despite the castle bar, William
  Archer's a rompan good cathalogue and he'll give you a riser on
  Archer's a rompan good cathalogue and he'll give you a riser on
  the route to our nazional labronry. Skim over <I>Through Hell</I>
  the route to our nazional labronry. Skim over <I>[[Through Hell with the Papes|Through Hell]]</I>
  <I>with the Papes</I> (mostly boys) by the divine comic Denti Alligator
  <I>[[Through Hell with the Papes|with the Papes]]</I> (mostly boys) by the [[divine comic Denti Alligator]]
  (exsponging your index) and find a quip in a quire arisus aream
  (exsponging your index) and find a quip in a quire arisus aream
  from bastardtitle to fatherjohnson. Swear aloud by pious fiction
  from bastardtitle to fatherjohnson. Swear aloud by pious fiction

Revision as of 12:12, 7 August 2012


Page 439 Page 441

pressdom. Apply your five wits to the four verilatest. The Arsdi-
ken's An Traitey on Miracula or Viewed to Death by a Priest
Hunter is still first in the field despite the castle bar, William
Archer's a rompan good cathalogue and he'll give you a riser on
the route to our nazional labronry. Skim over Through Hell
with the Papes (mostly boys) by the divine comic Denti Alligator
(exsponging your index) and find a quip in a quire arisus aream
from bastardtitle to fatherjohnson. Swear aloud by pious fiction
the like of Lentil Lore by Carnival Cullen or that Percy Wynns
of our S. J. Finn's or Pease in Plenty by the Curer of Wars,
licensed and censered by our most picturesque prelates, Their
Graces of Linzen and Petitbois, bishops of Hibernites, licet ut
lebanus, for expansion on the promises, the two best sells on the
market this luckiest year, set up by Gill the father, put out by Gill
the son and circulating disimally at Gillydehooly's Cost. Strike up
a nodding acquaintance for our doctrine with the works of old
Mrs Trot, senior, and Manoel Canter, junior, and Loper de Figas,
nates maximum. I used to follow Mary Liddlelambe's flitsy tales,
espicially with the scentaminted sauce. Sifted science will do your
arts good. Egg Laid by Former Cock and With Flageolettes in Send
Fanciesland. Chiefly girls. Trip over sacramental tea into the long
lives of our saints and saucerdotes, with vignettes, cut short into
instructual primers by those in authority for the bittermint of your
soughts. Forfet not the palsied. Light a match for poor old
Contrabally and send some balmoil for the schizmatics. A hemd
in need is aye a friendly deed. Remember, maid, thou dust art
powder but Cinderella thou must return (what are you robbing
her sleeve for, Ruby? And pull in your tongue, Polly!). Cog that
out of your teen times, everyone. The lad who brooks no
breaches lifts the lass that toffs a tailor. How dare ye be laughing
out of your mouthshine at the lack of that? Keep cool your fresh
chastity which is far better far. Sooner than part with that vesta-
lite emerald of the first importance, descended to me by far from
our family, which you treasure up so closely where extremes
meet, nay, mozzed lesmended, rather let the whole ekumene
universe belong to merry Hal and do whatever his Mary well