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  the rib, the quean of oldbyrdes, Sinya Sonyavitches! Your
  the rib, the quean of oldbyrdes, Sinya Sonyavitches! Your
  Rhoda Cockardes that are raday to embrace our ruddy inflamtry
  Rhoda Cockardes that are raday to embrace our ruddy inflamtry
  world! In their ohosililesvienne biribarbebeway. Till they've
  world! In their [[ohosililesvienne]] biribarbebeway. Till they've

Revision as of 14:53, 5 January 2018


Page 347 Page 349

laddios). Yaa hoo how how, col? Whom battles joined no bottles
sever! Worn't you aid a comp?
     BUTT (in his difficoltous tresdobremient, he feels a bitvalike a 
baddlefall of staot but falls a batforlake a borrlefull of bare). And
me awlphul omegrims! Between me rassociations in the postlea-
deny past and me disconnections with aplompervious futules
I've a boodle full of maimeries in me buzzim and medears runs
sloze, bleime, as I now with platoonic leave recoil in (how the
thickens they come back to one to rust!) me misenary post for
all them old boyars that's now boomaringing in waulholler, me
alma marthyrs. I dring to them, bycorn spirits fuselaiding, and
you cullies adjutant, even where its contentsed wody, with
absents wehrmuth. Junglemen in agleement, I give thee our
greatly swooren, Theoccupant that Rueandredful, the thrown-
fullvner and all our royal devouts with the arrest of the whole
inhibitance of Neuilands! One brief mouth. And a velligoolap-
now! Meould attashees the currgans, (if they could get a kick at
this time for all that's hapenced to us!) Cedric said Gormleyson
and Danno O'Dunnochoo and Conno O'Cannochar it is this
were their names for we were all under that manner barracksers
on Kong Gores Wood together, thurkmen three, with those
khakireinettes, our miladies in their toileries, the twum plum-
yumnietcies, Vjeras Vjenaskayas, of old Djadja Uncken who
was a great mark for jinking and junking, up the palposes of
womth and wamth, we war, and the charme of their lyse brocade.
For lispias harth a burm in eye but whem it bames fire norone
screeneth. Hulp, hulp, huzzars! Raise ras tryracy! Freetime's
free! Up Lancesters! Anathem!
     TAFF (who still senses that heavinscent houroines that enter- 
trained him who they were sinuorivals from the sunny Espionia but
plied wopsy with his wallets in thatthack of the bustle Bakerloo,
(11.32), passing the uninational truthbosh in smoothing irony over
the multinotcheralled infructuosities of his grinner set). The rib,
the rib, the quean of oldbyrdes, Sinya Sonyavitches! Your
Rhoda Cockardes that are raday to embrace our ruddy inflamtry
world! In their ohosililesvienne biribarbebeway. Till they've