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* '''''F'' ric à rac:''' with rigorous exactitude
* '''''F'' ric à rac:''' with rigorous exactitude
* '''rowdy:''' (''obsolete slang'') money → [[with a mint of]] [[mines]]
** [http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/JoyceColl/JoyceColl-idx?type=turn&entity=JoyceColl000500050060&isize=M A First-Draft Version of Finnegans Wake:] "rowdyrags"

Revision as of 05:49, 25 July 2006

  • reekier: smokier; more foul; smellier
  • ON Ragnarök: (Scandinavian mythology) the fate of the gods; the end of the world
  • F ric à rac: with rigorous exactitude