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Revision as of 01:22, 26 March 2015 by Timfinnegan (talk | contribs) (not 11:32)
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Let me start by apologising for not reading everything before saying anything... I'll plead a degree of Internet defensiveness, that makes it impossible for me to read anything without the strongest motivation.

I'd like to add to, not detract from, the sense of an online Wake community, but the wiki model seems unsustainable to me, as it leads to ballooning annotations without any editorial voice. So I've started yet another approach here: [1]

I want to be as inclusive as possible without becoming unreadable, so I'm breaking the text into pages of approximately three lines each, with interlinear annotations, heavy on the multimedia and offsite links. (I expect eventually to include links to every annotation-page on this site, as well.)

There are comment boxes on every page for debate.

The 'where are we' theory (11:32 etc) is one person's guess with no supporting evidence, so it shouldn't be presented as consensus.

--Timfinnegan (talk) 02:22, 26 March 2015 (CDT)