Violer d'amores

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Revision as of 13:54, 24 March 2007 by Ahtiai (talk | contribs)
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  • viola d'amore: a musical instrument
  • violer: (French) to rape; to violate
  • violeur: (French) a rapist
  • viola → "viola in all moods and senses" – Joyce, in a letter (15 November 1926) to Harriet Shaw Weaver
  • violer: one who plays the viol; a fiddler
  • violet: the colour at one end of the rainbow → see FW 003.13-14: rory end for red at the opposite end
  • amore: (Italian) love
  • Armory Show: an international exhibition of modern art held in New York in 1913
  • Violer of morale (of writing conventions?) see FW 003.4 Tristram (Tristram Shandy)