Nether nadir
"lift by her seam hem and jabote at the spidsiest of her trickkikant (like thousands done before since fillies calpered. Ocone ! Ocone !) the maidsapron of our A.L.P., fearfully! till its nether nadir is vortically where (allow me aright to two cute winkles) its naval's Prometheus or napex will have to beandbe."
Referring to the diagram of ALP on page 293, if one takes the "maidsapron"-shaped triangle ALP with it's "nether nadir" pointing down, and raise it up so that it takes the position of the upper triangle, its "napex" (apex) will mark out the point of her navel.
Prometheus: In Greek mythology, Prometheus, or Prometheas (Ancient Greek, Προμηθεύς, "forethought") is the Titan chiefly honored for stealing fire from the gods in the stalk of a fennel plant and giving it to mortals for their use.
Ocone! Ocone!: 2 cones, conical-shaped.
Danish, trekant: triangle
"Vortically": vertically, vortex
"(allow me aright to two cute winkles)": German, winkel: angle. right angles, acute angles.
Nadir: The nadir (from Arabic nazir, opposite) is the astronomical term for the point in the sky directly below the observer, or more precisely, the point in the sky with an altitude of -90°. Geometrically, it is the point on the celestial sphere intersected by a line drawn from the observer's location on the Earth's surface through the center of the Earth. The point opposite the nadir is the zenith. By association, nadir is also used to mean the lowest point, or time of greatest adversity.