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Popottes, where you canceal me you mayst forced guage my
bribes. Wickedgapers, I appeal against the light! A nexistence of
vividence! Panto, boys, is on a looser inloss;ballet, girls, suppline
thrown tights. I have wanted to thank you such a long time so
much now. Thank you. Sir, kindest of bottleholders and very dear
friend, among our hearts of steel, froutiknow, it will befor you,
me dare beautiful young soldier, winninger nor anyour of rudi-
mental moskats, before you go to mats, you who have watched
your share with your sockboule sodalists on your buntad nogs at
our love tennis squats regatts, suckpump, when on with the balls
did disserve the fain, my goldrush gainst her silvernetss, to say,
biguidd, for the love of goddess and perthanow as you reveres
your one mothers, mitsch for matsch, and while I reveal thus my
deepseep daughter which was bourne up pridely out of meds-
dreams unclouthed when I was pillowing in my brime (of Satur-
nay Eve, how now, woren't we't?), to see, I say, whoahoa, in stay
of execution in re Milcho Melekmans, increaminated, what you
feel, oddrabbit, upon every strong ground you have ever taken
up, by bitterstiff work or battonstaff play, with assault of turk
against a barrakraval of grakeshoots, e'en tho' Jambuwel's defe-
calties is Terry Shimmyrag's upperturnity, if that is grace for tbe
grass what is balm for the bramblers, as it is as it is, that I am the
catasthmatic old ruffin sippahsedly improctor to be seducint tro-
vatellas, the dire daffy damedeaconesses, like (why sighs the
sootheesinger) the lilliths oft I feldt, and, when booboob brutals
and cautiouses only aims at the oggog hogs in the humand, then,
(Houtes, Blymey and Torrenation, upkurts and scotchem!) I'll
tall tale tell croon paysecurers, sowill nuggets and nippers, that
thash on me stumpen blows the gaff offmombition and thit thides
or marse makes a good dayle to be shattat. Fall stuff.
     His rote in ere, afstef, was. 
     And dong wonged Magongty till the bombtomb of the warr, 
thrusshed in his whole soort of cloose.
     Whisht who wooed in Weald, bays of Bawshaw binding. The 
desire of Miriam is the despair of Marian as Joh Joseph's beauty
is Jacq Jacob's grief. Brow, tell nun; eye, feign sad; mouth, sing