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smukklers he would behave in juteyfrieze being forelooper to her)
praties peel to our goodsend Brandonius, filius of a Cara, spouse
to Fynlogue, he has the nicesth pert of a nittlewoman in the
house, la chito, la chato, la Charmadouiro, Tina-bat-Talur, cif for
your fob and a tesura astore for you, eslucylamp aswhen the surge
seas sombren, that he daughts upon of anny livving plusquebelle,
to child and foster, that's the lippeyear's wonder of Totty go,
Newschool, two titty too at win winnie won, tramity trimming and
funnity fare, with a grit as hard as the trent of the thimes but a
touch as saft as the dee in flooing and never a Hyderow Jenny the
like of her lightness at look and you leap, rheadoromanscing long
evmans invairn, about little Anny Roners and all the Lavinias of
ester yours and pleding for them to herself in the periglus glatsch
hangs over her trickle bed, it's a piz of fortune if it never falls from
the stuffel, and, when that mallaura's over till next time and all the
prim rossies are out dressparading and the tubas tout tout for the
glowru of their god, making every Dinny dingle after her down
the Dargul dale and (wait awhile, blusterbuss, you're marchadant
too forte and don't start furlan your ladins till you' ve learned the
lie of her landuage!), when it's summwer calding and she can hear
the pianutunar beyant the bayondes in Combria sleepytalking to
the Wiltsh muntons, titting out through her droemer window
for the flyend of a touchman over the wishtas of English Strand,
when Kilbarrack bell pings saksalaisance that Concessas with
Sinbads may (pong!), where our dollimonde sees the phantom
shape of Mr Fortunatus Wright since winksome Miss Bulkeley
made loe to her wrecker and he took her to be a rover, O, and
playing house of ivary dower of gould and gift you soil me
peepat my prize, which its a blue loogoont for her in a bleakeyed
seusan if she can't work her mireiclles and give Norgeyborgey
good airish timers, while her fresh racy turf is kindly kindling up
the lovver with the flu, with a roaryboaryellas would set an Ei-
weddyng on fire, let aloon an old Humpopolamos with the boomar-
poorter on his brain, aiden bay scye and dye, aasbukividdy,
twentynine to her dozen and coocoo him didulceydovely to his
old cawcaws huggin and munin for his strict privatear which