
From FinnegansWiki
Revision as of 19:26, 1 June 2019 by Nzohari (talk | contribs) (Rollslefts)
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  • Rolls Royce: a type of motorcar → morning traffic in Paris (where FW was written) and in Dublin (where FW is set)
  • Rollright Stones: a stone circle near Chipping Norton → this paragraph corresponds to Vico's third age, which is characterized by the institution of burial
  • Royce: Edward William Royce, an English comic actor famous for his pantomime roles
    • Ulysses 010.03: "She heard old Royce sing in the pantomime of Turko the terrible.."
    • FW 205.29: "with the role of a royss in his turgos the turrible"
  • Raoul de Nangis: the Protestant hero of Giacomo Meyerbeer’s opera Les Huguenots; the role was once sung by John Sullivan, the Irish-French tenor whose career Joyce championed
  • rollsrights: sometimes things rolls rights and sometimes they rolls lefts