Anam muck an dhoul
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Revision as of 13:08, 28 March 2020 by Thinginitself (talk | contribs)
- anam: (Irish) soul
- Thanum-on-dioul: (Anglo-Irish) The Devil take you! (a curse)
- D'anam 'on Diabhal: (Irish) Your soul to the Devil! (a common curse)
- Thanam o’n dhoul, do ye think I’m dead? (song) Finnegan's Wake → in the folk song, when Tim Finnegan revives he asks why the whiskey is being flung around and shouts this curse at the unruly mourners at his wake
- mac an dhiabhail: (Irish) son of the devil
- muck: there may be an allusion here to the etymology of the word devil, from the Greek diabolos, which literally means "slanderer" = "muck-raker", "mudslinger"
- muc: (Irish) pig