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Newslaters and the mossacre of Saint Brices, to forget the past,
when the burglar he shoved the wretch in churneroil, and con-
tradicting all about Lally, the ballest master of Gosterstown, and
his old fellow, the Lagener, in the Locklane Lighthouse, earing his
wick with a pierce of railing, and liggen hig with his ladder up, and
that oldtime turner and his sadderday erely cloudsing, the old
croniony, Skelly, with the lether belly, full of neltts, full of keltts,
full of lightweight beltts and all the bald drakes or ever he had up
in the bohereen,off Artsichekes Road, with Moels and Mahmullagh
Mullarty, the man in the Oran mosque, and the old folks at home
and Duignan and Lapole and the grand confarreation, as per the
cabbangers richestore, of the filest archives, and he couldn't stop
laughing over Tom Tim Tarpey, the Welshman, and the four
middleaged widowers, all nangles, sangles, angles and wangles.
And now, that reminds me, not to forget the four of the Welsh
waves, leaping laughing, in their Lumbag Walk, over old Battle-
shore and Deaddleconchs, in their half a Roman hat, with an an-
cient Greek gloss on it, in Chichester College auction and, thank
God, they were all summarily divorced, four years before, or so
they say, by their dear poor shehusbands, in dear byword days,
and never brought to mind, to see no more the rainwater on the
floor but still they parted, raining water laughing, per Nupiter
Privius, only terpary, on the best of terms and be forgot, whilk was
plainly foretolk by their old pilgrim cocklesong or they were sing-
ing through the wettest indies As I was going to Burrymecarott we
fell in with a lout by the name of Peebles as also in another place by
their orthodox proverb so there was said thus That old fellow
knows milk though he's not used to it latterly. And so they parted.
In Dalkymont nember to. Ay, ay. The good go and the wicked
is left over. As evil flows so Ivel flows. Ay, ay. Ah, well sure,
that's the way. As the holymaid of Kunut said to the haryman
of Koombe. For his humple pesition in odvices. Woman. Squash.
Part. Ay, ay. By decree absolute.
    Lucas. And, O so well they could remembore at that time, when 
Carpery of the Goold Fins was in the kingship of Poolland, Mrs
Dowager Justice Squalchman, foorsitter, in her fullbottom wig