Thimbles a baquets on lallance a talls mean

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Thomas à Becket and Laurence O'Toole

Also 'thimble' and 'lance' suggest needlework.

Saint Thomas Becket (December 21, 1118? – December 29, 1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He engaged in a conflict with King Henry II over the rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king. He was given the 'à' in his name many years after he died, alluding to that of Thomas à Kempis (b. 1379–80; d. 1471, author of "The Imitation of Christ"); the allusion was made so as to make him appear more holy and worthy of sainthood.

Lorcán Ua Tuathail, also known as St Laurence O'Toole, was born at Castledermot, Kildare, Ireland, 1128, died at Eu, Normandy, France, on November 14, 1180, and was canonized in 1225 by Pope Honorius III.