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Irish 1-10 and the 10 Sephiroth of the Kabbalah

Aun - 1
Do - 2
Tri - 3
Car - 4
Cush - 5
Shay - 6
Shockt - 7
Ockt - 8
Ni - 9
Geg - 10
Clock chimes 10pm.

Sephiroth (or "enumerations"), in the Kabbalah of Judaism, are the ten attributes that God (who is referred to as the Ain Soph Aur, "limitless light") created through which he can project himself to the universe and man. These emanations manifest not only in the physical part of the universe, but also in the metaphysical one.

The sefirot mediate the interaction of the ultimate unknowable God with the physical and spiritual world. Some explain the sefirot as stages of the creative process whereby God, from His own infinite being, created the progression of realms which culminated in our finite and physical universe. Others suggest that the sefirot may be thought of as analogous to the fundamental laws of physics. Just as gravity, electro-magnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force allow for interactions between matter and energy, the ten sefirot allow for interaction between God and the universe.

The names of the Sephirot are:
Keter/Machashavah ("Crown"; כתר)
Chokhmah ("Wisdom"; חכמה)
Binah ("Understanding"; בינה)
Chesed/Gedulah ("Mercy"; חסד)
Gevurah ("Severity/Strength"; גבורה)
Tiphereth ("Glory/Beauty"; תפארת)
Netzach ("Perpetualty/Victory"; נצח)
Hod ("Majesty"; הוד)
Yesod ("Foundation"; יסוד)
Malkuth ("Kingdom"; מלכות)