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mad mere me them Onetwo me. Lff! you now under whitespread wings like he'd come from Arkangels, I sink I'd die down over his feet, humbly dumbly, only to washup. Yes, tid. There's where. First. We pass through grass behush the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till thous- endsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a long the PARIS, 1922-1939.
- Bussoftlhee
- "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" - Romeo and Juliet, II.ii
- Possible pun on "buzz off!" (i.e., Go away!)
- The keys to. Given!
- "[Jesus said to Peter] 'I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.'" -- Matthew 16:19
"I'd die down over his feet humbly dumbly (silent), only to washup (worship + washup, as in the christian term of "washed in the blood of the lamb", or in the sense of Finnegan's Wake and the spilled whiskey, "washed in the uisce beatha", the whiskey, or from its gaelic roots, the water of life. ALP?)