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1) The hermit 'vowed close' to the river (that is, to ALP) to drink

2) It may evoke also a 'close vowel', the kind of vowel we pronounce placing our lips as if drinking from the stream

3) The juiciest of the references, probably, is that of Vaucluse, the place of retirement of the Italian poet Petrarca / Petrarch, who found there the inspiration to write the sonnets for Laura (hence the 'those laurals now on her daphdaph teasesong petrock' that we find shorty after).

3bis) I do not know how much of a hairsplit this is, but, when in Vaucluse, Petrarca ran out of ink and had to resort to one made out of saffron ('Al qual proposito ti farò ridere dicendoti che in una città così considerevole fra le straniere, ci lambiccammo il cervello a poter trovare un poco d’inchiostro, e quel poco che trovammo, era giallo da disgradarne lo zafferano'), maybe relating to 'singimari saffron strumans' above.

4) In Vauclause we may find both the Fontaine de Vaucluse ( [1] ) and the Bouches-du-Rhône ( [2] ), with 'Rhône' coming from the PIE root that means 'run', as in the English 'rotor', and 'bouches' meaning 'mouths' in Fr.