Adam Findlater,
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- Adam Findlater, acc. to T. P. Dolan's 'Hiberno-English Dictionary': 1855-1911, he was managing director of a successful winery, descendant of the founder, Alexander's Findlater.
Moreover, this is one of the few 'name + surname' that Joyce admits in the novel without further punning or elaboration.
- Findlater's Church [1], 'the Abbey Church in Rutland Square Dublin was endowed by Alexander Findlater, founder of the wine merchant firm. It is usually called Findlater's Church or even St Findlater's Church
- (U, 57) 'Then, lo and behold, they blossom out as Adam Findlaters or Dan Tallons. Then think of the competition. General thirst. Good puzzle would be cross Dublin without passing a pub.'