On this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor

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  • scraggy: unkempt, straggling, irregular
    • Ulysses 027.27: "His [Sargent's] tangled hair and scraggy neck..."
  • craggy: full of crags or broken rocks; rough, rugged
  • scragged: rough, rugged
  • scrag: neck
  • scraggy: thin, bony, often applied to the neck. If Howth Head is Finnegan's head then the scraggy isthmus, the isthmus of Sutton, is his neck
  • isthmos (ισθμος): (Greek) neck; peninsula
  • eastmost: (adj) easternmost, farthest east
  • A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas usually with waterforms on either side. [1]
    • Canals are commonly built on them to join two waterforms.
  • In anatomy, isthmus refers to a constriction between organs. This is a list of anatomical isthmi: [2]
    • "Isthmus" the mesencephalon (midbrain) - rhombencephalon(hindbrain) boundary
    • Isthmus faucium (Throat)
    • Isthmus glandularis or Thyroid isthmus
    • Isthmus tubae auditivae (Eustachian tube)
    • Isthmus tubae uterinae (Fallopian tube - Part of female reproduction organs)
    • Uterine isthmus (Part of female reproduction organs)
    • Isthmus prostatae (Prostate - Part of male reproduction organs)
      • The uterine isthmus and isthmus tubae uterinae is essential for female reproduction and continuing cycle of life. As is the Isthmus prostatae in males.
    • Isthmus urethrae (Urethra)
      • The Isthmus urethrae connects the bladder with the world's water ways continuing the water cycle.
    • Cavo-tricuspid isthmus of the right atrium of the heart, a body of fibrous tissue in the lower atrium between the inferior vena cava, and the tricuspid valve.
  • "Scraggly isthmus of Europe Minor" = isthmus not of land but of boats (scraggly trade routes) that were the first to connect Europe to North America.
  • Just as the Isthmus of Sutton separates Howth from the rest of Ireland, so the Bosphorus separates Europe and Asia → wars between Greece and Persia, symbolizing the conflict between east and west, and between the old and the new
  • Peloponnesian War between two confederacies led respectively by Sparta (on the Peloponnesian peninsula) and Athens (on the other side of the Isthmus of Corinth) → penisolate war
  • Europa, daughter (descendant) of Ocean and Tethys, mother of Minos, ravaged by Zeus who, in the form of a bull abducted her to Crete.