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my ohole mouthful to arinam about it you should call me the
ormuzd aliment in your midst of faime. Eat ye up, heat ye up!
sings the somun in the salm. Butyrum et mel comedet ut sciat
reprobare malum et eligere bonum. This, of course, also explains
why we were taught to play in the childhood: Der Haensli ist
ein Butterbrot, mein Butterbrot! Und Koebi iss dein Schtinkenkot!
Ja! Ja! Ja!
     This in fact, just to show you, is Caseous, the brutherscutch 
or puir tyron: a hole or two, the highstinks aforefelt and anygo
prigging wurms. Cheesugh! you complain. And Hi Hi High
must say you are not Hoa Hoa Hoally in the wrong!
     Thus we cannot escape our likes and mislikes, exiles or am- 
busheers, beggar and neighbour and — this is where the dime-
show advertisers advance the temporal relief plea — let us be
tolerant of antipathies. Nex quovis burro num fit mercaseus? I am
not hereby giving my final endorsement to the learned ignorants
of the Cusanus philosophism in which old Nicholas pegs it
down that the smarter the spin of the top the sounder the span
of the buttom (what the worthy old auberginiste ought to have
meant was: the more stolidly immobile in space appears to me
the bottom which is presented to use in time by the top primo-
mobilisk &c.). And I shall be misunderstord if understood to
give an unconditional sinequam to the heroicised furibouts of
the Nolanus theory, or, at any rate, of that substrate of apart
from hissheory where the Theophil swoors that on principial he
was the pointing start of his odiose by comparison and that whiles
eggs will fall cheapened all over the walled the Bure will be dear
on the Brie.
     Now, while I am not out now to be taken up as unintention- 
ally recommending the Silkebjorg tyrondynamon machine for
the more economical helixtrolysis of these amboadipates until
I can find space to look into it myself a little more closely first
I shall go on with my decisions after having shown to you in
good time how both products of our social stomach (the excellent
Dr Burroman, I noticed by the way from his emended food
theory, has been carefully digesting the very wholesome criticism