Pricket's sister

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  • pricket: a male fallow deer in its second year. A pricket is a two-year old buck, with horns that are straight and unbranched. A herd of fallow deer is kept in Dublin's Phoenix Park → cf. other species of hoofed ruminants in this passage: Dik Dik, Eland, Elk, Hind → Horns are a sign of a cuckold
  • prick: (slang) like dick, this is coarse slang for "penis"
  • prick: one of several types of small dots used in writing (e.g. jots, tittles, diacritics, the vowels in Hebrew, etc)
  • Prickette’s Tower: a tower in the old walls of Dublin → hence this phrase refers to the second province Leinster
  • pricket's sister: a female fallow deer in its second year → Issy