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Jump to navigationJump to searchin your flesh. To tell how your mead of, mard, is made of. All old Dadgerson's dodges one conning one's copying and that's what wonderland's wanderlad'll flaunt to the fair. A trancedone boy- script with tittivits by. Ahem. You'll read it tomorrow, marn, when the curds on the table. A nigg for a nogg and a thrate for a throte. The auditor learns. Still pumping on Torkenwhite Rad- lumps, Lencs. In preplays to Anonymay's left hinted palinode obviously inspiterebbed by a sibspecious connexion. Note the notes of admiration! See the signs of suspicion! Count the hemi- semidemicolons! Screamer caps and invented gommas, quoites puntlost, forced to farce! The pipette will say anything at all for a change. And you know what aglove means in the Murdrus due- luct! Fewer to feud and rompant culotticism, a fugle for the glee- men and save, sit and sew. And a pants outsizinned on the Doughertys' duckboard pointing to peace at home. In some, lawanorder on lovinardor. Wait till we hear the Boy of Biskop reeling around your postoral lector! Epistlemadethemology for deep dorfy doubtlings. As we'll lay till break of day in the bunk of basky, O! Our island, Rome and duty! Well tried, buckstiff! Batt in, boot! Sell him a breach contact, the vendoror, the buylawyer One hyde, sack, hic! Two stick holst, Lucky! Finnish Make Goal! First you were Nomad, next you were Namar, now you're Nu- mah and it's soon you'll be Nomon. Hence counsels Ecclesiast. There's every resumption. The forgein offils is on the shove to lay you out dossier. Darby's in the yard, planning it on you, plot and edgings, the whispering peeler after cooks wearing an illfor- mation. The find of his kind! An artist, sir! And dirt cheap at a sovereign a skull! He knows his Finsbury Follies backwoods so you batter see to your regent refutation. Ascare winde is rifing again about nice boys going native. You know who was wrote about in the Orange Book of Estchapel? Basil and the two other men from King's Avenance. Just press this cold brand against your brow for a mow. Cainfully! The sinus the curse. That's it. Hung Chung Egglyfella now speak he tell numptywumpty top- sawys belongahim pidgin. Secret things other persons place there covered not. How you fell from story to story like a sagasand