From FinnegansWiki
Jump to navigationJump to search- Peter, Jack, Martin: the three brothers in Jonathan Swift’s A Tale of A Tub, representing Catholicism (St Peter), Calvinism & Presbyterianism (Jean Calvin), and Lutheranism & Anglicanism (Martin Luther) → Shem (File:Shem.png), Shaun (File:Shaun.png) and the combined Shem/Shaun (File:Shem-Shaun.PNG) character
- "By these three sons, Peter, Martin, and Jack; Popery, the Church of England, and our Protestant dissenters, are designed" – William Wotton, A Tale of a Tub, Section II, footnote
- patter: chatter, babble
- Jack Falstaff: Sir John Falstaff, a character in Shakespeare → fraudstuff in line 13