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Ragonar Blaubarb is a reference to "Ragnar Lodbrok," a Viking chief who ruled Sweden and Denmark in the 9th century and who terrorized France and England until he was killed by King Aelle II of Northumbria when Aelle threw him into a pit of poisonous snakes, where he was poisoned to death (kind of a reverse St. Patrick; Lodbrok was a heathen, too). In addition, "Ragonar" is close to "Ragnarok," the "doom of the gods" (or end of cosmos) in Norse mythology. "Blaubart" is German for Bluebeard (from Perrault story). The word "Blaufarb" is actually a last name. "Regenbogen" is the German word for rainbow, so perhaps this also has something to do with the rainbow girls (ROYGBIV).