Hootch is for husbandman handling his hoe

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  • H is for...: (nursery rhyme) "A was an Archer, who shot at a frog ... H was a hunter, and hunted a buck" → anapestic rhythm → archers strung in the preceding line
  • hooch: (US slang) alcoholic liquor, especially inferior or illicitly distilled
  • hootch: (US Slang) farmer → husbandman
  • hooch: a thatched hut
  • huch: a large salmon-like fish of the Danube
  • aitch: the letter H → pronounced haitch in Ireland
    • HCE?
  • hootchee: penis
  • hootchie-cootchie: a pseudo-Oriental female dance common in carnivals and fairs and marked by sinuous and often suggestive twisting and shaking of the torso and limbs → in blues songs this expression refers to either a woman's vagina or a man who is her lover
  • husbandman: farmer
  • husband
  • hoe: a farming tool
  • hoe: a promontory → Howth
  • handling his hoe → masturbating?
  • ho: whore