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Page 516 Page 518

          Truly. That I may never! 
          Did one scum then in the auradrama, the deff, after some 
clever play in the mud, mention to the other undesirable, a
dumm, during diverse intentional instants, that upon the resume
after the angerus, how for his deal he was a pigheaded Swede and
to wend himself to a medicis?
          To be sore he did, the huggornut! Only it was turnip- 
hudded dunce, I beg your pardon, and he would jokes bowlder-
blow the betholder with his black masket off the bawling green.
          Sublime was the warning! 
          The author, in fact, was mardred. 
          Did he, the first spikesman, do anything to him, the last 
spokesman, when, after heaving some more smutt and chaff
between them, they rolled togutter into the ditch together?
Black Pig's Dyke?
        ; ; No, he had his teeth in the hack of his head. 
        ; ; Did Box then try to shine his puss? 
        ; ; No but Cox did to shin the punman. 
        ; ; The worsted crying that if never he looked on Leaverhol- 
ma's again and the bester huing that he might ever save sunlife?
          Trulytruly Asbestos he ever. And sowasso I never. 
          That forte carlysle touch breaking the campdens pianoback. 
          Are you of my meaning that would be going on to about 
half noon, click o'clock, pip emma, Grinwicker time, by your
querqcut quadrant?
          You will be asking me and I wish to higgins you wouldn't. 
Would it?
          Let it be twelve thirty after a somersautch of the tardest! 
          And it was eleven thirsty too befour in soandsuch, reloy on it! 
          Tick up on time. Howday you doom? That rising day 
sinks rosing in a night of nine week's wonder.
          Amties, marcy buckup! The uneven day of the unleventh 
month of the unevented year. At mart in mass.
          A triduum before Our Larry's own day. By which of your 
chronos, my man of four watches, larboard, starboard, dog or dath?