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Revision as of 16:02, 24 July 2010 by Yann Gourhant (talk | contribs)
- collapse
- collapsus: (Latin) fallen in
- lapsus: (latin) slip, mistake. According to Freud's early psychoanalytic theory, a lapsus represents a missed deed that hides an unconscious desire
- Colossus: the gigantic statue of Helios (or Apollo) at Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- colludere: (Latin) to play together; to collude → implying that HCE's fall may have been the result of collusion among his enemies → Ulysses, Chapter 16, Eumaeus, the sense or meaning of which, according to Joyce's Linati schema, was "The Ambush at Home", a reference to the intended ambush of Telemachus by the suitors in the Odyssey (Books 14-16)
- Calypso: the nymph in Greek mythology who detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia for seven years; also the title of the fourth chapter of Ulysses
- Apocalypse: the Book of Revelation, the final book of the Bible (the nam,e means "hidden away")