A bass dropt neck fust
"as had the brief thot but fell in till his head like a bass dropt neck fust in till a bung crate (cogged!)"
Bass refers to the beer: "Bass is the name of a former brewery and the brand name for several English beers brewed in Burton-upon-Trent. Bass is most particularly associated with their pale ale. The distinctive Red Triangle logo for Bass Pale Ale was Britain's first registered trademark." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bass_beer
Several words here refer to bottles and beer: "neck" (neck of the bottle); "bung" (used to seal a bottle); and "crate".
In Ulysses, Bloom is fascinated by the triangle logo on a bottle of Bass ale. The triangle logo is ALP's delta: ∆ (here turned upside down by being dropped "neck fust" – neck-first – into a crate).