Confucianism: Confucius (551–479 BCE) was a famous sage and social philosopher of China whose teachings deeply influenced East Asia for twenty centuries.
The philosophy of Confusianism is closely related to Taoism. The 'Great Tao' ... is the source ... and guiding principle behind all the processes of the universe. Beyond being and non-being, prior to space and time, Tao is the intelligent ordering principle behind the unceasing flow of change in the natural world. In this sense Tao gains great cosmological and metaphysical significance comparable to the Judaeo-Christian concept of God (albeit stripped of anthropomorphic characteristics); the Greek concept of the logos; or the Dharma in Indian religions.
Infusion of "minthe" (mint, L. mentha spicata) - perhaps a reference to the ancient tea ceremony, an expression of the Tao.