Ginnandgo gap

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  • Ginnungagap: (Old Norse) the "seeming emptiness" or "gaping gap". In Norse Mythology, the Ginnungagap was the vast chasm between Niflheim and Muspelheim before creation. Where the heat met the frost it formed the substance eitr, which formed the giant Ymir.
  • coital gap ?
  • Gin and Tonic, Gin and Soda


The author may be implying that the historian fell into this gap, losing track of time between the B.C. and A.D. epochs.

in the ginnandgo gap between antediluvian and annadominant

The author may be referring to the gap between the end of FW and its beginning. The opening section occurs before the Flood (antediluvian), while the book ends with ALP's final speech (annadominant). The last word, the, would be spelled in Hebrew by a single letter, thaw, which looks like a doorway; hence the reference a few lines below to someone banging the door (banged pan the bliddy duran)