From FinnegansWiki
Jump to navigationJump to search- Helvetii: Gallic tribe whose migration from Helvetia (Switzerland) precipitated Caesar's Gallic War → the Judeans were also conquered by Rome (see joshuan judges)
- Leviticus: the third book of the Old Testament
- Claude Adrien Helvétius (1715-71): French hedonist and freethinker; his principal work, De l’esprit, was condemned and publicly burned in 1759
- Helveticus: (Latin) Swiss → Ulysses was largely written in Switzerland → Issy, who sleeps in the dormer room at the top of HCE's tavern, is frequently associated with Rhaeto-Romanic terms, as though her room under the tavern's pitched roof is in the Swiss Alps
- Hevelius: Polish astronomer, selenographer
- Helvetic: Swiss protestant subscribing to one of two Helvetic confessions of faith. "...before Helviticus committed deuteronomy..." - "Deuteronomy" = lit. "Second Law"