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then the way I immingled my Irmenial hairmaierians ammon-
gled his Gospolis fomiliours till, achaura moucreas, I adn't the
arts to.
     TAFF (as a marrer off act, prepensing how such waldmanns from 
Burnias seduced country clowns, he is preposing barangaparang
after going knowing what he is doing after to see him pluggy well
moidered as a murder effect, you bet your blowie knife, before he
doze soze, sopprused though he is) Grot Zot! You hidn't the hurts?
Vott Fonn!
     BUTT (hearing somrother sudly give tworthree peevish sniff snuff 
snoores like govalise falseleep he waitawhishts to see might he stirs
and then goes on kuldrum like without asking for pepeace or anysing
a soul). Merzmard! I met with whom it was too late. My fate! O
hate! Fairwail! Fearwealing of the groan! And think of that
when you smugs to bagot.
     TAFF (who meanwhilome at yarn's length so as to put a nodje 
in the poestcher, by wile of stoccan his hand and of rooma makin
ber getting umptyums gatherumed off the skattert,had been lavish-
ing, lagan on lighthouse, words of silent power, susu glouglou biri-
biri gongos, upon the repleted speechsalver's innkeeping right which,
thanks giveme and naperied norms nonobstaclant, there can be little
doubt, have resulted in a momstchance ministring of another guid-
ness, my good, to see) Bompromifazzio! Shumpum for Pa-li-di
and oukosouso for the nipper dandy! Trink off this scup and be
bladdy orafferteed! To bug at?
     BUTT (he whipedoff's his chimbley phot, as lips lovecurling to the 
tongueopener, he takecups the communion of sense at the hands of
the foregiver of trosstpassers and thereinofter centelinnates that
potifex miximhost with haruspical hospedariaty proferring into his
pauses somewhot salt bacon). Theres scares knud in this gnarld
warld a fully so svend as dilates for the improvement of our
foerses of nature by your very ample solvent of referacting upon
me like is boesen fiennd.
        [The other foregotthened abbosed in the Mullingaria are 
  during this swishingsight teilweisioned. How the fictionable world