Percy rally got me

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  • Pearse, Padraic and O'Rahilly, Michael Joseph, members of the Eastern Rising who strove for Irish independence; the former was the one who coined 'We shall raise again!'
  • Russo-Persian as in the Russo-Persian War (1722–1723, 1796, 1804–1813 and 1826–1828), one of the precursor conflicts of the Crimean War.
  • (the) Persians really got me, which maybe fits into the context of the 2nd Persian War -which the Persian side kind of won-, or the 4th one, in which Russian victory was close to Pyrrhic.
  • Persse O'Reilly vd. [1]; the ballad is about what happened with HCE in Phoenix park and, in the light of this [2] and that [3] the interpretation is open in many ways, ie the likes of HCE, or the soldier, being recorded ('shooted at') in Phoenix Park, or during the Crimean or Russo-Persian war, and then he could have been blackmailed, or at least some bribe could have gone in some direction: 'the bung that Percy rally got me'.
  • per se
  • Rally, in Italian, means simply an event involving many people, yet I do not know if it was already used in this sense back when FW was written.
  • Harry Percy, from Shakespeare's 'King Henry the Fourth (pt.I)'


   My name is Harry Percy.


   Why, then I see
   A very valiant rebel of the name.
   I am the Prince of Wales; and think not, Percy,
   To share with me in glory any more:
   Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere;
   Nor can one England brook a double reign,
   Of Harry Percy and the Prince of Wales.