So saida to Moyhammlet and marhaba to your Mount!
From FinnegansWiki
Jump to navigationJump to search- If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain: a well-known proverb
- So said I
- Zaid: Mohammed's adopted son who divorced his wife so that Mohammed could marry her!
- magh: (Irish) plain → in place-names this is usually Anglicized as Moy (e.g. Moynalty, Moytirra)
- Mohammed: the Prophet of Islam
- my hamlet: Dublin → in parts of Dublin my is pronounced moy
- Hamlet: eponymous character in Shakespeare's Hamlet
- saida: (Arabic) goodbye
- marhaba: (Arabic) welcome! good morning!
- Abraham: (anagram) Biblical Patriarch who is also mentioned in the Koran
- Mount Hira: the mountain near Mecca on which Mohammed supposedly received his first revelation
- Mount: the Hill of Howth