Taurus periculosus

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  • dangerous Bull
  • Rape of Europa: Zeus in the form of a white bull abducts and rapes (Rip ripper rippest) Europa; together they have three sons (jac jac jac) born on Crete: Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, who become judges in the Underworld when they died.
  • Taurus and Leo: both mentioned on this page are Fixed Earth and Fixed Fire signs respectively. James Joyce himself, appearing as "Mr Jinglejoys," was born February 2nd, an Aquarian, which is Fixed Air. Leo and Aquarius are in opposition in the Zodiac, therefore Leo might be Shaun (lyonised mails p 465). The only missing sign of the Fixed Quaternity is Fixed Water, Scorpio.

The Tetramorph

The four fixed constellations in sidereal order are Taurus the Bull (Earth), Leo the Lion (Fire), Scorpio (Water), Aquarius (Air) have been represented in one image since antiquity in Egypt, Assyria, the Book of Ezekiel, the Book of Revelation, the Book of Kells, etc. In Christian imagery, the Man (Aquarius/Mr. Jinglejoys) was associated with Matthew; the Lion (Leo/Leas-Leos) with Mark; the Bull (Taurus/Taurus) with Luke; and the Eagle, standing in for Scorpio, (Quuck, the duck of the woman is quack, drake for man) is associated with John.

Clearly Quuck the duck is a parody of the Eagle.

Joyce created Leo/Leas and Quuck the Drake/Duck "male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27) But Mr. Jinglejoys and Taurus the Bull seem to be male only.

Leo (fire) and Quuck (water) seem to be combined in the middle of the page where there is mention of "boiling water."