Wallinstone national
Wellington Museum (+ Irish National Museum?)
This begins 2 1/2 pages of a tour through a museum, which ends with the one-word paragraph "Phew!" on page 10. Much of what follows is the tour guide's description of various exhibits.
The museum is based on the Wellington Museum, which is in Apsley House, 149 Piccadilly, Hyde Park Corner, London (and also on the National Museum of Ireland on Merrion Street in Dublin? -- note the reference to dinosaurs on the preceding page, "brontoichthyan"). Although the Wellington Museum is in the hert of London, the guide is apparently an Irishwoman named Kathe. (Was there a touring exhibit in Ireland? Or is this just a dreamlike juxtaposition?)
From the Wellington Museum's website: "Designed by Robert Adam between 1771-8. The Duke of Wellington bought it and enlarged it in 1817. From then on it became a superb setting for his collection of pictures, sculptures, furniture, silver, porcelain, caricatures, medals and memorabilia."
Wellington (Arthur Wesley, later Wellesley) was born in Ireland (possibly Dublin), defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, and later became Prime Minister. He was an elitist Tory.