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Page 331 Page 333

   Snip snap snoody. Noo err historyend goody. Of a lil trip
trap and a big treeskooner for he put off the ketyl and they
made three (for fie!) and if hec dont love alpy then lad you
annoy me. For hanigen with hunigen still haunt ahunt to finnd
their hinnigen where Pappappapparrassannuaragheallachnatull-
ydoodled and anruly person creeked a jest. Gestapose to parry
off cheekars or frankfurters on the odor. Fine again, Cuoholson!
Peace, O wiley!
     Such was the act of goth stepping the tolk of Doolin, drain 
and plantage, wattle and daub, with you'll peel as I'll pale and
we'll pull the boath toground togutter, testies touchwood and
shenstone unto pop and puma, calf and condor, under all the
gaauspices (incorporated), the chal and his chi, their roammerin
over, gribgrobgrab reining trippetytrappety (so fore shalt thou
flow, else thy cavern hair!) to whom she (anit likenand please-
thee!). Till sealump becamedump to bumpslump a lifflebed,
(altolà allamarsch! O gué O gué!) Kaemper Daemper to Jetty
de Waarft, all the weight of that mons on his little ribbeunuch!
Him that gronde old mand to be that haard of heaering (afore
said) and her the petty tondur with the fix in her changeable eye
(which see), Lord, me lad, he goes with blowbierd, leedy,
plasheous stream. But before that his loudship was converted to
a landshop there was a little theogamyjig incidence that hoppy-
go-jumpy Junuary morn when he colluded with the cad out on
the beg amudst the fiounaregal gaames of those oathmassed
fenians for whome he's forcecaused a bridge of the piers, at
Inverleffy, mating pontine of their engagement, synnbildising
graters and things, eke ysendt? O nilly, not all, here's the fust
cataraction! As if ever she cared an assuan damm about her
harpoons sticking all out of him whet between phoenix his
calipers and that psourdonome sheath. Sdrats ye, Gus Paudheen!
Kenny's thought ye, Dinny Oozle! While the cit was leaking
asphalt like a suburbiaurealis in his rure was tucking to him like
old booths, booths, booths, booths.
     Enterruption. Check or slowback. Dvershen.