User talk:Zakbos

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Revision as of 08:35, 24 July 2006 by Zakbos (talk | contribs)
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  • Hullo, Tip, and thanks for the welcome.
  • It was my thinking that the Category doesn't do much to aggregate content helpfully. The list of appearances for recurruring characters should be included at the definition page of the character. This puts the relevant information at the right level of analysis. The alternative is to indicate, by Categorization, that there are other appearances; the user would then have to visit the category page and travel back and forth from that node to explore the other appearances. That's a superfluous step that I don't think is beneficial. While it's helpful to track multiple appearances of characters, objects, tropes, and themes, I'd place this information on the page.
  • What might make sense is to create a new Category for recurrences, or, several, for recurring characters, recurring images, etc.
  • What do you think of a template for "Other Appearances" to be placed at the bottom of the page, essentially a list of page numbers?

7/24/06 Greetings Zakbos, and welcome to the wiki! This is User:Tip, and I wanted to ask you, why did you delete the Category:Kate page? A short time ago, User:Pemberton began using the Categories to organize characters, phrases, numbers, etc. that were frequently used throughout the Wake. The Categories are a good way for finding the other places that these characters appear. Since "Kate" is a recurring name and character of the Finnegan household, I created the category so that all of her appearances could be tracked in one place. I'm just curious as to why she was removed. Thanks, Tip.