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gobbet for its quantity of quality but who
wants to cheat the choker's got to learn to
chew the cud. Allwhichhole scrubs on scroll
Pitchcap and circuminiuminluminatedhave encuoniams here
triangle, noose and improperies there. 1 With a pansy for the
and tinctunc. pussy in the corner. 2
    Bewise of Fanciulla's heart, the heart of INCIPIT IN-
Fanciulla! Even the recollection of willow TERMISSIO.
fronds is a spellbinder that lets to hear. 3 The
rushes by the grey nuns' pond: ah eh oh let
Uncle Flabbius me sigh too. Coalmansbell: behoves you
Muximus to handmake of the load. Jenny Wren: pick, peck.
Niecia Flappia Johnny Post: pack, puck. 4 All the world's in
Minnimiss. As want and is writing a letters. 5 A letters from a
this is. And as person to a place about a thing. And all the
this this is. world's on wish to be carrying a letters. A let-
Dear Brotus, ters to a king about a treasure from a cat. 6
land me arrears. When men want to write a letters. Ten men,
ton men, pen men, pun men, wont to rise a
Rockaby, babel, ladder. And den men, dun men, fen men, fun
flatten a wall. men, hen men, hun men went to raze a leader.
How he broke the Is then any lettersday from many peoples,
good news to Daganasanavitch? Empire, your outermost. 7
Gent. A posy cord. Plece.
    We have wounded our way on foe tris MAJOR AND
prince till that force in the gill is faint afarred MINOR
            1 Gosem pher, gezumpher, greeze a jarry grim felon! Good bloke him!
            2 And if they was setting on your stool as hard as my was she could beth
    her bothom dolours he'd have a culious impressiom on the diminitive that
    chafes our ends.
            3 When I'am Enastella and am taken for Essastessa I'll do that droop on the
    pohlmann's piano.
            4 Heavenly twinges, if it's one of his I'll fearly feint as swoon as he enter-
            5 To be slipped on, to be slept by, to be conned to, to be kept up. And when
    you're done push the chain.
            6 With her modesties office.
            7 Strutting as proud as a great turquin weggin that cuckhold on his Eddems
    and Clay's hat.