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stainks! Porterfillyers and spirituous suncksters, oooom oooom!
     As these vitupetards in his boasum he did strongleholder, 
bushbrows, nobblynape, swinglyswanglers, sunkentrunk, that
from tin of this clucken hadded runced slapottleslup. For him
had hord from fard a piping. As? Of?
     Dour douchy was a sieguldson. He cooed that loud nor he 
was young. He cud bad caw nor he was gray Like wather parted
from the say.
     Ostia, lift it! Lift at it, Ostia! From the say! Away from the say! 
     Himhim. Himhim. 
     Hearhasting he, himmed,reromembered all the chubbs, chipps, 
chaffs, chuckinpucks and chayney chimebells That he had mistri-
buted in port, pub, park, pantry and poultryhouse, While they,
thered, the others, that are, were most emulously concerned to
cupturing the last dropes of summour down through their
grooves of blarneying. Ere the sockson locked at the dure. Which
he would, shuttinshure. And lave them to sture.
     For be all rules of sport 'tis right That youth bedower'd to 
charm the night Whilst age is dumped to mind the day When
wather parted from the say.
     The humming, it's coming. Insway onsway. 
     Fingool MacKishgmard Obesume Burgearse Benefice, He was 
bowen hem and scrapin him in recolcitrantament to the right-
about And these probenopubblicoes clamatising for an extinsion
on his hostillery With his chargehand bombing their eres. Tids,
genmen, plays, she been goin shoother off almaynoother on-
     You here nort farwellens rouster? Ashiffle ashuffle the wayve 
     From Dancingtree till Suttonstone There's lads no lie would 
filch a crown To mull their sack and brew their tay With wather
parted from the say.
     Lelong Awaindhoo's a selverbourne enrouted to Rochelle 
Lane and liberties those Mullinguard minstrelsers are marshal-
sing, par tunepiped road, under where, perked on hollowy hill, that
poor man of Lyones, good Dook Weltington, hugon come er-