Page 283
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Foughty Unn, Enoch Thortig, endso one, like
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
?FP=283.01"> ;1 to pitch of your cap, pac, on to tin tall spilli- ?FP=283.02"> ;2 cans. 1 To sum, borus pew notus pew eurus ?FP=283.03"> ;3 pew zipher. Ace, deuce, tricks, quarts, quims. ?FP=283.04"> ;4 Mumtiplay of course and carry to their whole ?FP=283.05"> ;5 number. While on the other hand, traduced ?FP=283.06"> ;6 by their comedy nominator to the loaferst ?FP=283.07"> ;7 terms for their aloquent parts, sexes, suppers, ?FP=283.08"> ;8 oglers, novels and dice. 2 He could find (the ?FP=283.09"> ;9 rakehelly!) by practice the valuse of thine-to- ?FP=283.10">10 mine articles with no reminder for an equality ?FP=283.11">11 of relations and, with the helpings from his ?FP=283.12">12 tables, improduce fullmin to trumblers, links ?FP=283.13">13 unto chains, weys in Nuffolk till tods of ?FP=283.14">14 Yorek, oozies ad libs and several townsends, ?FP=283.15">15 several hundreds, civil-to-civil imperious ?FP=283.16">16 gallants into gells (Irish), bringing alliving ?FP=283.17">17 stone allaughing down to grave clothnails and ?FP=283.18">18 a league of archers, fools and lurchers under ?FP=283.19">19 the rude rule of fumb. What signifieth whole ?FP=283.20">20 that 3 but, be all the prowess of ten, 'tis as ?FP=283.21">21 strange to relate he, nonparile to rede, rite and ?FP=283.22">22 reckan, caught allmeals dullmarks for his ?FP=283.23">23 nucleuds and alegobrew. They wouldn't took ?FP=283.24">24 bearings no how anywheres. O them dodd- ?FP=283.25">25 hunters and allanights, aabs and baas for ?FP=283.26">26 agnomes, yees and zees for incognits, bate ?FP=283.27">27 him up jerrybly! Worse nor herman doror- ?FP=283.28">28 rhea. Give you the fantods, seemed to him. ?FP=283.29">29 They ought to told you every last word first ?FP=283.30">30 stead of trying every which way to kinder ?FP=283.31">31 smear it out poison long. Show that the ?FP=283.32">32