Page 491
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Jump to navigationJump to search; ;; Were you with Sindy and Sandy attending Goliath, a bull?; ;; You'd make me sag what you like to. I was intending a funeral. Simply and samply.; ;; They are too wise of solbing their silbings?; ;; And both croon to the same theme.; ;; Tugbag is Baggut's, when a crispin sokolist besoops juts kamps or clapperclaws an irvingite offthedocks. A luckchange, I see. Thinking young through the muddleage spread, the moral fat his mental leans on. We can cop that with our straat that is called corkscrewed. It would be the finest boulevard billy for a mile in every direction, from Lismore to Cape Brendan, Patrick's, if they took the bint out of the mittle of it. You told of a tryst too, two a tutu. I wonder now, without releasing seeklets of the alcove, turturs or raabraabs, have I heard mention of whose name anywhere? Mallowlane or Demaasch? Strike us up either end Have You Erred off Van Homper or Ebell Teresa Kane.; ;; Marak! Marak! Marak! He drapped has draraks an Mansianhase parak And he had ta barraw tha watarcrass shartclaths aff the ark- bashap af Yarak!; ;; Braudribnob's on the bummel?; ;; And lillypets on the lea.; ;; A being again in becomings again. From the sallies to the allies through their central power?; ;; Pirce! Perce! Quick! Queck!; ;; O Tara's thrush, the sharepusher! And he said he was only taking the average grass temperature for green Thurdsday, the blutchy scaliger! Who you know the musselman, his muscle mum and mistlemam? Maomi, Mamie, My Mo Mum! He loves a drary lane. Feel Phylliscitations to daff Mr Hairwigger who has just hadded twinned little curls! He was resting between horrockses' sheets, wailing for white warfare, prooboor welsht- breton, and unbiassed by the embarrassment of disposal but, the first woking day,by Thunder, he stepped into the breach and put on his recriution trousers and riding apron in Baltic Bygrad, the old soggy, was when the bold bhuoys of Iran wouldn't join up.