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blank! For it's race pound race the hosties rear all roads to ruin
and layers by lifetimes laid down riches from poormen. Cried
unions to chip, saltpetre to strew, gallpitch to drink, stonebread
to break but it's bully to gulp good blueberry pudding. Doze
in your warmth ! While the elves in the moonbeams, feeling why,
will keep my lilygem gently gleaming.
    In the sleepingchambers. The court to go into half morning. 
The four seneschals with their palfrey to be there now, all
balaaming in their sellaboutes and sharping up their penisills. The
boufeither Soakersoon at holdup tent sticker. The swabsister
Katya to have duntalking and to keep shakenin dowan her drogh-
edars. Those twelve chief barons to stand by duedesmally with
their folded arums and put down all excursions and false alarums
and after that to go back now to their runameat farums and re-
compile their magnum chartarums with the width of the road
between them and all harrums. The maidbrides all, in favours
gay, to strew sleety cinders on their falling hair and for wouldbe
joybells to ring sadly ringless hands. The dame dowager to stay
kneeled how she is, as first mutherer with cord in coil. The two
princes of the tower royal, daulphin and deevlin, to lie how they
are without to see. The dame dowager's duffgerent to present
wappon, blade drawn to the full and about wheel without to be
seen of them. The infant Isabella from her coign to do obeisance
toward the duffgerent, as first futherer with drawn brand. Then
the court to come in to full morning. Herein see ye fail not!
     ;  ; ; Vidu, porkego! Ili vi rigardas. Returnu, porkego. Maldeli- 
    Gauze off heaven! Vision. Then. O, pluxty suddly, the sight 
entrancing! Hummels! That crag! Those hullocks! O Sire! So be
accident occur is not going to commence! What have you there-
fore? Fear you the donkers? Of roovers? I fear lest we have lost
ours (non grant it!) respecting these wildy parts. How is hit finis-
ter! How shagsome all and beastful! What do you show on? I
show because I must see before my misfortune so a stark pointing
pole. Lord of ladders, what for lungitube! Can you read the verst
legend hereon? I am hather of the missed. Areed! To the dun-