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us victorias with nowells and brownings, dumm, sneak and
curry, and all the fun I had in that fanagan's week. A strange
man wearing abarrel. And here's a gift of meggs and teggs. And
as I live by chipping nortons. And 'tis iron fits the farmer, ay.
Arcdesedo! Renborumba! Then were the hellscyown days for
our fellows, the loyal leibsters, and we was the redugout raw-
recruitioners, praddies three and prettish too, a wheeze we has
in our waynward islands, wee engrish, one long blue streak,
jisty and pithy af durck rosolun, with hand to hand as Homard
Kayenne was always jiggilyjugging about in his wendowed
courage when our woos with the wenches went wined for a song,
tsingirillies' zyngarettes, while Woodbine Willie, so popiular
with the poppyrossies, our Chorney Choplain, blued the air.
Sczlanthas! Banzaine! Bissbasses! S. Pivorandbowl. And we all
tuned in to hear the topmast noviality. Up the revels drown the
rinks and almistips allround! Paddy Bonhamme he vives! En-
core! And tig for tag Togatogtug. My droomodose days Y loved
you abover all the strest. Blowhole brasshat and boy with his
boots off and the butch of our bunch and all. It was buckoo
bonzer, beleeme. I was a bare prive without my doglegs but I
did not give to one humpenny dump, wingh or wangh, touching
those thusengaged slavey generales of Tanah Kornalls, the
meelisha's deelishas, pronouncing their very flank movemens
in sunpictorsbosk. Baghus the whatwar! I could always take good
cover of myself and, eyedulls or earwakers, preyers for rain or
cominations, I did not care three tanker's hoots, ('sham! hem!
or chaffit!) for any feelings from my lifeprivates on their reptro-
grad leanins because I have Their Honours booth my respectables
soeurs assistershood off Lyndhurst Terrace, the puttih Misses
Celana Dalems, and she in vinting her angurr can belle the troth
on her alliance and I know His Heriness, my respeaktoble me-
dams culonelle on Mellay Street, Lightnints Gundhur Sawabs,
and they would never as the aimees of servation let me down.
Not on your bludger life, touters! No peeping, pimpadoors!
And, by Jova, I never went wrong nor let him doom till, risky
wark rasky wolk, at the head of the wake, up come stumblebum