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?FP=383.1&LP=383.01">1 for Muster Mark! ?FP=383.2&LP=383.02">2
; ; Sure he hasn't got much of a bark
; ; And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.
?FP=383.4&LP=383.04">4 a lark ?FP=383.5&LP=383.05">5 in the dark ?FP=383.6&LP=383.06">6 by Palmer- ?FP=383.7&LP=383.07">7
; ; ; ; stown Park?
; ; Hohohoho, moulty Mark!
?FP=383.9&LP=383.9">9 a Noah's ark ?FP=383.10&LP=383.10">10
; ; And you think you're cock of the wark.
; ; Fowls, up! Tristy's the spry young spark
?FP=383.12&LP=383.12">12 her ?FP=383.13&LP=383.13">13
; ; Without ever winking the tail of a feather
?FP=383.14&LP=383.14">14 and mark! ?FP=383.15&LP=383.15">15
; ; Overhoved, shrillgleescreaming. That song sang seaswans.
The winging ones. Seahawk, seagull, curlew and plover, kestrel
and capercallzie. All the birds of the sea they trolled out rightbold
when they smacked the big kuss of Trustan with Usolde.
?FP=383.19&LP=383.19">19 wild- ?FP=383.20&LP=383.20">20
caps was circling, as slow their ship, the winds aslight, upborne
the fates, the wardorse moved, by courtesy of Mr Deaubaleau
Downbellow Kaempersally, listening in, as hard as they could, in
Dubbeldorp, the donker, by the tourneyold of the wattarfalls,
with their vuoxens and they kemin in so hattajocky (only a