Page 298
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Paa lickam laa lickam, apl lpa ! This it is an her.
?FP=298.01"> 1 You see her it. Which it whom you see it is
?FP=298.02"> 2 her. And if you could goaneggbetter we'd soon
?FP=298.03"> 3 see some raffant scrumala riffa. Quicks herit
?FP=298.04"> 4 fossyending. Quef! So post that to your pape
?FP=298.05"> 5 and smarket ! And you can haul up that languil
?FP=298.06"> 6 pennant, mate. I've read your tunc's dimissage.
?FP=298.07"> 7 For, let it be taken that her littlenist is of no
?FP=298.08"> 8 magnetude or again let it be granted that Doll
?FP=298.09"> 9 the laziest can be dissimulant with all respects
?FP=298.10">10 from Doll the fiercst, thence must any what-
?FP=298.11">11 youlike in the power of empthood be either
?FP=298.12">12 greater THaN or less THaN the unitate we
?FP=298.13">13 have in one or hence shall the vectorious ready-
?FP=298.14">14 eyes of evertwo circumflicksrent searclhers
?FP=298.15">15 never film in the elipsities of their gyribouts
?FP=298.16">16 those fickers which are returnally reprodictive
?FP=298.17">17 of themselves. 1 Which is unpassible. Quarrel-
?FP=298.18">18 lary. The logos of somewome to that base any-
?FP=298.19">19 thing, when most characteristically mantissa
?FP=298.20">20 minus, comes to nullum in the endth: 2 orso,
?FP=298.21">21 here is nowet badder than the sin of Aha with
?FP=298.22">22 his cosin Lil, verswaysed on coverswised, and
?FP=298.23">23 all that's consecants and cotangincies till Per-
?FP=298.24">24 perp stops repippinghim since her redtangles
?FP=298.25">25 are all abscissan for limitsing this tendency of
?FP=298.26">26 our Frivulteeny Sexuagesima 3 to expense her-
?FP=298.27">27 selfs as sphere as possible, paradismic peri-
?FP=298.28">28 mutter, in all directions on the bend of the
?FP=298.29">29 unbridalled, the infinisissimalls of her facets
?FP=298.30">30 becoming manier and manier as the calicolum
?FP=298.31">31 of her umdescribables (one has thoughts of
?FP=298.32">32 that eternal Rome) shrinks from schurtiness