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  • penchant for juice: alcoholic → the ballad Finnegan's Wake: "Now Tim had a sort of a tipplin' way/ With the love of the liquor he was born"
  • Pentateuch: the first five books of the Old Testament, traditionally attributed to Moses
  • panschen: (German) to mix → water and wine
  • Punch and Judy Show: puppet show based on characters from the Italian Commedia dell'arte
    • Punch, like a Jew, is noted for his long hooked nose; he is also hump-backed, like HCE
    • Punch is a corruption of the Italian pulcinello, "pullet, small chicken" → his nose is a rooster's beak?
    • Judy → Jew
    • Judy: (slang) prostitute
  • Punch and Judy: (rhyming slang) moody → HCE is hot-headed → sticking his head in the water causes it to evaporate; moody → muddy, like the floor of the Red Sea crossed by Moses, who would then be "a muddy chap"
  • Jean-Jeudi: (French) penis → Lazare Sainéan, La Langue de Rabelais (1922)
  • jeu: (French) game → jeu d'esprit → De l'esprit, principal work of Helvétius → jeu|Jew