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cognance and their ilks and their orts and their everythings that
is be will was theirs.
    Much obliged. Time-o'-Thay! But wherth, O clerk? 
    Whithr a clonk?  Vartman!  See you not soo the pfath they 
pfunded, oura vatars that arred in Himmal, harruad bathar na-
mas, the gow, the stiar, the tigara, the liofant, when even thurst
was athar vetals, mid trefoils slipped the sable rampant, hoof,
hoof, hoof, hoof, padapodopudupedding on fattafottafutt. Ere
we are! Signifying, if tungs may tolkan, that, primeval condi-
tions having gradually receded but nevertheless the emplacement
of solid and fluid having to a great extent persisted through
intermittences of sullemn fulminance, sollemn nuptialism, sallemn
sepulture and providential divining, making possible and even;
inevitable, after his a time has a tense haves and havenots hesitency,
at the place and period under consideration a socially organic
entity of a millenary military maritory monetary morphological
circumformation in a more- or less settled state of equonomic
ecolube equalobe equilab equilibbrium. Gam on, Gearge! Nomo-
morphemy for me! Lessnatbe angardsmanlake! You jast gat a
tache of army on the stumuk. To the Angar at Anker. Aecquo-
tincts. Seeworthy. Lots thankyouful, polite pointsins! There's
a tavarn in the tarn.
    Tip. Take Tamotimo's topical. Tip. Browne yet Noland. Tip. 
    Where. Cumulonubulocirrhonimbant heaven electing, the dart 
of desire has gored the heart of secret waters and the poplarest
wood in the entire district is being grown at present, eminently
adapted for the requirements of pacnincstricken humanity and,
between all the goings up and the whole of the comings down and
the fog of the cloud in which we toil and the cloud of the fog
under which we labour, bomb the thing's to be domb about it so
that, beyond indicating the locality, it is felt that one cannot with
advantage add a very great deal to the aforegoing by what, such as
it is to be, follows, just mentioning however that the old man of
the sea and the old woman in the sky if they don't say nothings
about it they don't tell us lie, the gist of the pantomime, from